Kragerup Gods
The Granary
The Granary (Kornmagasinet) is located on the 1st floor in the left wing of the main building. The back stairs leading up to the granary are weathered but full of history about the true workhorses of yesteryears. All the 'gold' (grain sacks) were carried up to the 1st floor of the main building when the harvest was in. The granary was once a kind of bank for the harvest yield, as it was here that the grain was stored until sold. There was an old hoisting mechanism outdoors, but many grain sacks were also hauled up the old stairs by strong men, which still exist today.
In the office below the granary, the grain storekeeper once had his office. Here, he kept track of the large books with the weighed-in and weighed-out grain. We still have the large shelf with all the compartments for this purpose and the old desk he worked at.
Birgitte Dinesen says: "I decided to renovate the granary for my daughter Regitze's confirmation. It was very dilapidated up there, and I actually fell through the ceiling when I went up there some years ago!"
Today, the granary is used as a conference and event space.
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