Kragerup Gods

Marie Louise Dinesen ENG

Marie-Louise Dinesen

Marie-Louise Dinesen (1936–), born Bohn, was born on November 14, 1935, in Aachen. She is the daughter of textile manufacturer Carl Jacob Bohn (1909–41) and Bertha Heering (1912–?). Marie-Louise served as an instructor at the Danish Handicap Sports Federation from 1975 to 1981 and worked as a "live as before" advisor at the Danish Cancer Society from 1983.

On September 28, 1956, she married Erik Sophus Dinesen at Vedbæk Church. Erik and Marie-Louise had three children: Birgitte Ida Dinesen, Anne Viveka Dinesen, and Charlotte Dinesen.

Marie-Louise ensured that the farm workers were fed in the main building, where, until 1969, there were large kitchen rooms, laundry rooms, and larder rooms in the north wing. During her years at Kragerup Estate, she undertook a complete transformation of the garden and park into an English-style layout, featuring expansive lawns, viewpoints overlooking the main building and fields, free-standing trees, and border plantings. She also planted hawthorns, roses, and many types of trees on the estate's grounds.

After the estate was converted into a hotel, Marie-Louise lived in the large thatched-roof house next to the main building with her small dog, Emma. She frequently strolled over to the main building to greet the staff and guests.

Om Kragerup Gods

Historien om Kragerup Gods går helt tilbage til 1327 og ejes i dag af 9. generation Godsejer Regitze Dinesen. Nyd de historiske smukke rammer - ude som inde. Del din personlige fortælling om Kragerup Gods og hjælp os med at indsamle historier som vi ikke selv kender til - og bliv en del af historien.

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